Can Kratom Affect Your Blood Pressure?

In various blogs, we have been studying the effects of Kratom. Kratom has been studied for its stimulant, analgesic, and sedative actions. However, very few blogs mention the effects of Kratom intake on blood pressure.

We know Kratom has a sympathomimetic effect, which means that it should affect the blood pressure too. What is the effect? What dose produces what effect?

We need more knowledge to answer these questions. Let’s have a look at some information collected from some research studies and blogs.

What is Kratom?

Kratom is a stimulating as well as a sedating herb that used for medicinal and recreational purposes. It is a tree that grows in the humid climate of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and other Southeast countries.

The leaves of this tree contain the active ingredients that are responsible for the production of effects. These active ingredients are called alkaloids, and the main ones are mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine.

Kratom has three types depending on the color of the central vein of the Kratom leaf. These three categories are White Kratom, Green Kratom, and Red Kratom.

Each of these Kratom strains has variable effects depending on the content and type of alkaloids present in them.

What are the major effects produced by Kratom?

Effects of Kratom are variable as it depends on the type of strain used and the quantity or dose of Kratom taken. Results may appear earlier for some while late for others, depending on the level of tolerance developed to one particular strain.

Kratom can have both beneficial and harmful effects, and this depends on the user. If abused, it may show adverse effects similar to that of Opiates but milder.

Kratom shows results after 15 to 30 minutes of consumption when the alkaloids cross the blood-brain barrier and act on the Opiate receptors named as mu, delta, and kappa receptors. The effects produced by Kratom include analgesia, euphoria, stimulation, sedation, enhancement of cognition, etc.

Effects of Kratom at small doses

At small doses, Kratom acts as a stimulant. It makes one feel motivated and euphoria. The stimulation can help one achieve much more than usual. You can focus better, as your cognitive skills are enhanced.

One is more sociable and confident. One starts to feel analgesic effects too, but they are mild. So basically, one experiences the high state at small doses.

The low dose could be 2 grams for a beginner and 6 grams for a person who has addicted to taking Kratom.

Effects of Kratom at high doses

High doses of Kratom result in sedation. The person becomes less active and feels dizziness. Thus high doses are safe for those who have insomnia, parasomnia, and night terrors. High doses of Kratom also produce potent analgesia.

The combination of sedation and analgesia used by patients who have chronic pain and can’t sleep because of Kratom. Avoid large doses of Kratom while driving or using machinery.

For beginners, a large dose of Kratom lies between 6 to 8 grams. For those who have developed tolerance to the effects of Kratom, they require a dose of up to 20 grams to produce sedation.

Relationship between Kratom and blood pressure

Kratom consists of many alkaloids including mitragynine (previously thought to be a primary active ingredient of Kratom), 7-hydroxymitragynine ( a major active component of Kratom) and mitraphylline.

It acts primarily as a mu-opioid receptor agonist though it is structurally similar to yohimbine. It has some adrenergic receptor activity that resembles the action of yohimbine.

This adrenergic activity may result in increased blood pressure slightly. However, as it acts on the opioid receptors, so it shows similar effects. In most of the case, it lowers the blood pressure as Opiates do.

User reviews about the effect of Kratom on blood pressure

Users claim on various drug forums that consumption of Kratom has resulted in the elevation of their blood pressure. A dose of 6 to 7 grams can raise blood pressure sufficiently.

One user claimed that even when he lowered the dose of Kratom and stopped taking it altogether, he would notice a spike in his blood pressure. Due to high blood pressure, many users also complain of getting headaches.

Also, it has noted that those who complained of hypertension had increased systolic pressure but normal diastolic pressure.

Some users came up with the view that Kratom lowers blood pressure. Once the effects of Kratom are gone, a spike in blood pressure has noticed. It means that Kratom acts to reduce blood pressure.

Other users claim that Kratom doesn’t affect blood pressure. One user stated that he works at a hospital and regularly checks his blood pressure, and he has never noticed any change in his blood pressure.

What is increased blood pressure and what are the symptoms?

Increased blood pressure or hypertension is persistent blood pressure around 140/90 mmHg or above for most adults.

Some people have a genetic predisposition, and thus they are very cautious while consuming Kratom. Hypertension rarely shows symptoms and diagnosed by screening methods or when seeking healthcare for a problem that is not related to blood pressure.

Some patients report that they get headaches and feel lightheadedness, tinnitus, vertigo, and episodes of fainting when they have elevated blood pressure.

On physical examination, one can observe the effects of hypertension on the optic fundus.

What is decreased blood pressure and what are the symptoms?

Normal blood pressure in most of the adults in 120/80 mmHg but low blood pressure or hypotension occurs when the systolic pressure is or below 90 mmHg, and the diastolic pressure is or below 60 mmHg.

Symptoms of hypotension include dizziness, blurred vision, confusion, weakness and tiredness, chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, stiff neck, headache, fatigue, and loss of consciousness.


To conclude, one may state that research in this area is a deficit, and one cannot just rely on the information provided by blogs and reviews. It must have to note that Kratom has shown variable effects on different users.

Thus if you are a hypertensive patient, you must take Kratom very carefully. Also, note that an increase in blood pressure may result in other complications like extensive bleeding after injury and headaches.

Therefore, it has recommended using Kratom with caution, even if you are not hypertensive. Symptoms like tachycardia, increased pulse, and headache may relate to hypertension, so you must regularly check your blood pressure when taking Kratom.